Earth Science

Welcome to Earth Science! The idea behind this course is to relate the core science disciplines: Geology, Chemistry and Physics into a unifying theme. Your success in this class is dependent on two things. First, you must be responsible. This includes maintaining proper classroom behavior by treating others with respect and dignity. Responsibility also includes reaching class on time, bringing required materials to class, and taking the initiative to determine and complete missed work from an excused absence. Second, you must put time and effort into your labs, readings and reviewing for tests. I encourage you to get involved in a study group. Your peers are a great resource!

Course Goals & Major Student Outcomes

• Students will know and understand the dynamic Earth around them – the rocks and minerals, the geologic formations and changes, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, the atmosphere, the oceans, the weather, and the cosmos. This knowledge will be adequate to matriculate into college courses.

• Students will develop critical thinking, problem solving, and analysis skills necessary for successful performance in college courses.

• Students will be able to test the validity of scientific research as well as the robustness of scientific models and will be able to organize their thinking and resolve the issues of their scientific inquiries.

• Students will be able to coordinate between the various disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth sciences.

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